Over $5 million

donated to nationwide Native American causes


Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Foundation was established

172 organizations

serving Native American communities have been supported


The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation grants financial assistance to organizations that support the preservation, promotion, and advancement of American Indian self-sufficiency and culture in the United States, including programs for (i) the development of American Indian entrepreneurism, (ii) facilitating American Indian education (particularly college, graduate, and post-graduate education), and (iii) the preservation and enhancement of American Indian culture. The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company (SFNTC) Foundation will only consider proposals that fall within the above charter. Grants generally range from $10,000 – $20,000 and are primarily awarded to organizations that serve Native Americans in the following ways:


– Fulfilling people’s basic needs (food, water, shelter, etc.) that contribute to happy, healthy, and thriving lives

– Implementing reservation-based projects that create long-term community benefits


– Programs explicitly designed to help Native American students continue and complete their education at all levels

Arts & Culture

– Native-driven programs and events that develop cultural wealth and build community connections

– Native-driven language and historic preservation initiatives

The SFNTC Foundation will not consider proposals for general operating expenses.


The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation was formed in April of 1997, and its sole source of funding is Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc., which has made contributions to the Foundation every year since its formation. Past recipients of the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation grant funds include: Afraid of Bear – American Horse Tiospaye; Albuquerque Museum Foundation; All Relations United; American Indian College Fund; Anishiaabe Agriculture Institute; Apache Language Consortium; Brave Heart Society; Center of Southwest Culture, Inc; Four Bridges Traveling Permaculture Institute; Gwch’in Social and Cultural Institute of Alaska; Indian Pueblo Cultural Center; Kayenta Arts Foundation; Koahnic Broadcast Corporation; New Mexico Film Foundation, and Northern Cheyenne Language Consortium.

All Relations United
United States Veterans from Pine Ridge Reservation

Brave Heart Society
Isnati Awica Dowanpi (Coming of Age Ceremony)

Yellow Bird Life Ways

Grant Submissions


Set forth below are the Eligibility Requirements for Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation grant applicants. Grants generally range from $10,000 – $20,000 and are primarily awarded to organizations that serve Native Americans. Please take a moment to review these requirements before beginning the online grant application process:


  • Grants are not given to individuals. 
  • The Foundation is restricted to making grants only to non-profit organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Online grant applications must be accompanied by proof of 501(c)(3) status. The nonprofit must be in good standing with the IRS. 
  • Only organizations whose proposals fall within the charter mandate of the Foundation will be considered. The Foundation’s charter mandate encompasses the preservation, promotion, and advancement of American Indian self-sufficiency and culture in the United States, including programs for (i) the development of American Indian entrepreneurism, (ii) facilitating American Indian education (particularly college, graduate, and post-graduate education), and (iii) the preservation and enhancement of American Indian culture. The primary focus of the Foundation is to support specifically identified projects. Proposals for general operating support will not be considered. 
  • A condition of grant approval is the pledge to furnish follow-up reports on the progress of the project and how the funding was used to meet the objectives and purposes of the applicant. If grant funding is not used for its intended purpose, the applicant will be required to return the funds to the Foundation. 


When you begin the online application process, as a first step you’ll be asked if your organization meets the Eligibility Requirements above for your proposal to be considered by the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation for grant assistance. 

As of June 1, 2023, Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation’s application form can be found in our Application Portal. You’ll need to create an account during your first visit. Once you have created your account, you may save and update your application as well as submit subsequent applications via either a standard login or a CyberGrants FrontDoor certified login.


You’ll need to submit the organization EIN (Tax ID#) along with a copy of the IRS Exemption Determination Letter. The nonprofit must be in good standing with the IRS. If you’re not sure, you can check IRS.gov or Guidestar.


Applicants who meet the Eligibility Requirements are encouraged to submit an online application for a SFNTC Foundation grant. The required elements are listed below, however, you can save and return to your application as often as needed before you submit.


Proposal / Content: Within the application, we’ll ask that you clearly state the specific amount being requested, the purpose of the request, how the grant funds will be used and how those funds will advance the purposes of the organization, as well as a concise description of the organization. The proposal should also contain the following: Objectives of the project and how they will be achieved; method and criteria for evaluation; recent accomplishments of the organization (if not a new organization); and how the project will address the priorities of the SFNTC Foundation.


In addition to the application, you’ll be asked to submit the following:

  1. Prior Fiscal Year’s Statement – showing actual general expenses and specific sources of income.
  2. Current Year-to-Date Financial Statement – showing actual general expenses and specific sources of income against the current year-to-date budget.
  3. Organizational Budget – one-page line-item budget showing anticipated income and expenditures for the total operations of the organization’s fiscal year(s) for which funds are being requested.
  4. Project budget – one-page line-item budget showing anticipated income and expenditures for which funds are being requested.
  5. Board of Directors – a list of the members of the applicant organization’s governing board.
  6. Tax-Exempt Status / IRS Letter of Determination – a copy of the applicant’s federal tax-exempt certification under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including a letter of determination as to the organization’s status as a publicly supported organization. Governmental units need not submit these documents.
  7. Recent IRS 990 Return
  8. Optional Materials – additional information and materials such as pamphlets, flyers, and newsletters are not required but may be submitted to supplement the application.


Once you submit your application, you will receive automatic notifications as follows:

  1. Email notifications indicating that your application has been accepted for review and has been moved into the review process.
  2. Email notification upon completion of the review process, indicating whether your application was declined or accepted for funding and the amount of the approved funding.


Follow-Up Requirement: As a responsible organization, SFNTC Foundation invests in programs and initiatives that are measurable and demonstrate real impact. A condition of grant approval is the obligation to furnish a follow-up report on the progress of the project and how the funding was used to meet the objectives and purposes of the applicant. If your organization’s objectives and purposes changed considerably from those set forth in the application, you must obtain the Foundation’s prior approval in writing. Grant funding not used for its intended purpose will be required to be returned to the Foundation.

The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation Board individually reviews applications and awards grants on a quarterly basis according to the following schedule:


Quarter  Completed Proposal Received By  Final Review 
Q1  February 15  1st week of March 
Q2  May 15  1st week of June 
Q3  August 15  1st week of September 
Q4  November 15  1st week of December 


Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will be held and considered in the next funding cycle. Grant applications and proof of 501(c)(3) status must be submitted via the online application portal. The Foundation will not accept proposals by fax, mail or email unless prior arrangements have been made.

Eligibility / Rules


Set forth below are the Eligibility Requirements for Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation grant applicants. Grants generally range from $10,000 – $20,000 and are primarily awarded to organizations that serve Native Americans. Please take a moment to review these requirements before beginning the online grant application process:


  • Grants are not given to individuals. 
  • The Foundation is restricted to making grants only to non-profit organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Online grant applications must be accompanied by proof of 501(c)(3) status. The nonprofit must be in good standing with the IRS. 
  • Only organizations whose proposals fall within the charter mandate of the Foundation will be considered. The Foundation’s charter mandate encompasses the preservation, promotion, and advancement of American Indian self-sufficiency and culture in the United States, including programs for (i) the development of American Indian entrepreneurism, (ii) facilitating American Indian education (particularly college, graduate, and post-graduate education), and (iii) the preservation and enhancement of American Indian culture. The primary focus of the Foundation is to support specifically identified projects. Proposals for general operating support will not be considered. 
  • A condition of grant approval is the pledge to furnish follow-up reports on the progress of the project and how the funding was used to meet the objectives and purposes of the applicant. If grant funding is not used for its intended purpose, the applicant will be required to return the funds to the Foundation. 


When you begin the online application process, as a first step you’ll be asked if your organization meets the Eligibility Requirements above for your proposal to be considered by the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation for grant assistance. 

Application Instructions

As of June 1, 2023, Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation’s application form can be found in our Application Portal. You’ll need to create an account during your first visit. Once you have created your account, you may save and update your application as well as submit subsequent applications via either a standard login or a CyberGrants FrontDoor certified login.


You’ll need to submit the organization EIN (Tax ID#) along with a copy of the IRS Exemption Determination Letter. The nonprofit must be in good standing with the IRS. If you’re not sure, you can check IRS.gov or Guidestar.


Applicants who meet the Eligibility Requirements are encouraged to submit an online application for a SFNTC Foundation grant. The required elements are listed below, however, you can save and return to your application as often as needed before you submit.


Proposal / Content: Within the application, we’ll ask that you clearly state the specific amount being requested, the purpose of the request, how the grant funds will be used and how those funds will advance the purposes of the organization, as well as a concise description of the organization. The proposal should also contain the following: Objectives of the project and how they will be achieved; method and criteria for evaluation; recent accomplishments of the organization (if not a new organization); and how the project will address the priorities of the SFNTC Foundation.


In addition to the application, you’ll be asked to submit the following:

  1. Prior Fiscal Year’s Statement – showing actual general expenses and specific sources of income.
  2. Current Year-to-Date Financial Statement – showing actual general expenses and specific sources of income against the current year-to-date budget.
  3. Organizational Budget – one-page line-item budget showing anticipated income and expenditures for the total operations of the organization’s fiscal year(s) for which funds are being requested.
  4. Project budget – one-page line-item budget showing anticipated income and expenditures for which funds are being requested.
  5. Board of Directors – a list of the members of the applicant organization’s governing board.
  6. Tax-Exempt Status / IRS Letter of Determination – a copy of the applicant’s federal tax-exempt certification under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including a letter of determination as to the organization’s status as a publicly supported organization. Governmental units need not submit these documents.
  7. Recent IRS 990 Return
  8. Optional Materials – additional information and materials such as pamphlets, flyers, and newsletters are not required but may be submitted to supplement the application.


Once you submit your application, you will receive automatic notifications as follows:

  1. Email notifications indicating that your application has been accepted for review and has been moved into the review process.
  2. Email notification upon completion of the review process, indicating whether your application was declined or accepted for funding and the amount of the approved funding.


Follow-Up Requirement: As a responsible organization, SFNTC Foundation invests in programs and initiatives that are measurable and demonstrate real impact. A condition of grant approval is the obligation to furnish a follow-up report on the progress of the project and how the funding was used to meet the objectives and purposes of the applicant. If your organization’s objectives and purposes changed considerably from those set forth in the application, you must obtain the Foundation’s prior approval in writing. Grant funding not used for its intended purpose will be required to be returned to the Foundation.

Proposal Cycles

The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation Board individually reviews applications and awards grants on a quarterly basis according to the following schedule:


Quarter  Completed Proposal Received By  Final Review 
Q1  February 15  1st week of March 
Q2  May 15  1st week of June 
Q3  August 15  1st week of September 
Q4  November 15  1st week of December 


Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will be held and considered in the next funding cycle. Grant applications and proof of 501(c)(3) status must be submitted via the online application portal. The Foundation will not accept proposals by fax, mail or email unless prior arrangements have been made.

Board Members

Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company (SFTNC) Foundation is funded annually through the sales of SFNTC products. The Board is comprised of employees of SFNTC and the larger Reynolds American Inc. organization (US parent of SFNTC) with a passion for SFNTC and outside directors. This combination provides stewardship to ensure the mission and integrity of the SFNTC Foundation and Native American communities, lending an informed voice to considerations that best contribute to protecting and preserving Native American culture.

Cherise Mbaye
Cherise is a Senior Director of Operations Skills Development within the Reynolds American organization and has served on the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company (SFNTC) Foundation Board for a total of 3 years. Her passion for giving back to her community is reflected in her support of the Granville County United Way, Halifax County 4-H, and the Winston-Salem Inc. Emerging Leaders Program, among other activities. Cherise is an expert at understanding community needs as well as her skills as a leader and strategist are well served by her support for the SFNTC Foundation Mission of preserving, promoting, and advancing Native American self-sufficiency and culture.

Kara Calderon
Kara is a Senior Director of ESG and Community Engagement within the Reynolds American organization and has served on the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company (SFNTC) Foundation Board for 2 years. Her skills as a leader and connector have led her to service as the Board Chair for Keep America Beautiful and is on the Board of Advisors of the Wake Forest University Face-to-Face Speaker Forum. Kara has a deep understanding of community needs and governance, which began with her career at Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company in 1998, where the connection to our community has always been part of the SFNTC’s guiding principles. She takes great pride for her work on the Board and her efforts to instill the SFNTC values into those engaging with the business and SFNTC Foundation.

Lilian Hill
Lilian is a Strategic Advisor with Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture Institute and joined the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company (SFNTC) Foundation Board in 2023. Lilian not only serves the Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture Institute, she also serves on the Hopi Food Co-op Board and regularly volunteers with the Hopi Farmers Market as a grower and volunteer. Lilian’s service to the Native American community, along with her compassion, dedication to Indigenous knowledge, law, and policy, guided her to the SFNTC Foundation values resourcing community-based initiatives and advocating for the equitable redistribution of wealth into Indigenous communities. Lilian has been honored as a Castanea Fellow, Skoll Fellow and has received a Humanitarian of the Year Award.

Nicole Brockmueller
Nicole is a Senior Director of Brand Marketing within the Reynolds American organization and is in her second tenure as a Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company (SFNTC) Foundation Board Director, serving previously in 2019-2020 and rejoining us in 2023. Nicole has also served on the Keep America Beautiful Board. During her previous tenure on the SFNTC Foundation Board, Nicole spoke with a variety of individuals at various Native American organizations and gained a deeper understanding of the needs and opportunities present. Knowing that these grants can create impact and make a lasting difference are the main reasons that she returned to the SFNTC Foundation Board in 2023.

S. Leigh Park
Leigh is a retiree of Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company where he worked as the Executive Vice President and has faithfully served the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company (SFNTC) Foundation’s Board for 27 years as one of its founding members. The guiding principles of the Foundation are very close to Leigh’s heart, and he strives to ensure that the Foundation remains fiscally responsible while making the greatest impact we can in the Native American communities all over the United States. These days, Leigh is a globe-trotter based out of Texas and he enjoys finding evidence of the reach that Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company has made wherever he visits.

Winona LaDuke
Winona LaDuke Anishinaabe is an enrolled tribal member of  White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota. As a Rural Development Economist (BA Harvard University 1982), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Community Fellows Program 1983) and Antioch University (1986), she has written seven books on Native American communities, history, economics, and environmental issues.  She lives and works on the White Earth reservation, and has served her community through both grassroots organizations, and as a board member of numerous Indigenous, environmental and foundation boards.  Her work includes co-Chair of the Indigenous Women’s Network, and serving as a Trustee of the Christensen Fund, a private foundation.


Email for questions or help,
email SFNTCFoundation@rjrt.com.

Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Foundation
401 N. Main St.
10th Floor
Winston-Salem, NC 27101