Retailer Compliance
Ensuring our products are handled responsibly.

Reynolds American Inc. and its operating companies’ (Reynolds) products are sold primarily at convenience retail outlets, of which nearly 183,000 outlets are on our contract. In the Retail Marketing Plan Contract (RMPC) contractual agreements with retailers, which cover 94% of the companies’ volume, retailers are required to implement and monitor age restrictions on the sale of tobacco and nicotine products by conducting age verification at point-of-sale to verify that sales occur only to those of legal age. We continue to support retailers in their underage access prevention efforts including through We Card and TruAge™.

We Card
Reynolds has supported the industry program We Card since its inception in 1995, and contractually require our retailers to commit to participating in the program. The We Card Program, Inc. is a national non-profit organization serving the nation’s retailers of tobacco and other age-restricted products. Individual retail establishments, as well as large retail chains, utilize We Card’s educational and training services to comply with federal and state laws while working to prevent underage tobacco and age-restricted product sales.

In February 2022, we announced our partnership with the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) and Conexxus to serve as a sponsor of TruAge™, a new digital solution to help make the process of verifying an adult tobacco consumer’s age more secure and reliable. This program is free to retailers and consumers to help retailers comply with Reynolds’ age-verification requirements to restrict underage access to tobacco and nicotine products at point-of-sale. Our investment with TruAge™ helps further our commitment to keeping underage tobacco and nicotine product prevention at the forefront of our efforts and to continue operating responsibly.

No violation rate for prohibiting the sale and distribution of tobacco products to minors.