
Stakeholder Announcement: Reynolds Pursuing Alliance for Water Stewardship Certification
October 12, 2021 1 min read

Stakeholder Announcement: Reynolds Pursuing Alliance for Water Stewardship Certification

In accordance with the requirements in section 2.4 of the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Certification Requirements document, the following locations are currently pursuing Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) certification using the certified auditing body SGS: RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company located at 7855 Doral Drive, Tobaccoville, NC 27050 Assessment dates November 17-18, 2021 Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company … Continued

News Brief: BAT recognized as a Climate Leader by the Financial Times
May 18, 2021 1 min read

News Brief: BAT recognized as a Climate Leader by the Financial Times

BAT has been named as a 2021 Climate Leader by the Financial Times in an inaugural European ranking. FT Europe Climate Leaders 2021 recognizes the top 300 of more than 4,000 companies across Europe that achieved the highest reduction in core greenhouse gas emissions in relation to revenues for the period between 2014 and 2019. Full press … Continued

Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Announces Major Recycling Milestone
December 13, 2018 2 min read

Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company Announces Major Recycling Milestone

OXFORD, N.C. – Dec. 14, 2018 – More than 100 million and counting! That’s how many pieces of cigarette waste have been recycled since the Fall of 2012, when Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc. (SFNTC) partnered with TerraCycle to launch a pioneering program that’s helping to keep cigarette litter off our nation’s streets, beaches and public places — and out … Continued

Reynolds American Foundation answers call to support American Red Cross efforts in Texas
August 29, 2017 1 min read

Reynolds American Foundation answers call to support American Red Cross efforts in Texas

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – Aug. 30, 2017 – The Reynolds American Foundation donated $150,000 to the American Red Cross for assisting Hurricane Harvey victims in Houston and the surrounding area. “Our hearts go out to all those impacted by this disaster,” said John S. (Tripp) Wilson, president of the Reynolds American Foundation. “We know that the American Red … Continued

Reynolds American and its employees donated $13 million to nonprofits in 2016
March 6, 2017 4 min read

Reynolds American and its employees donated $13 million to nonprofits in 2016

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – March 7, 2017 – Reynolds American Inc. (NYSE: RAI), its affiliates, related private charitable foundations and employees donated approximately $13 million to a wide range of nonprofit organizations in 2016. “In addition to the highest-ever participation rates in our matching grants program, our employees continued to give back to the community by volunteering with numerous … Continued